Statute Of The Slovenian Association for Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services
Under the Law on Associations (Official Journal RS, no. 64/11 – official consolidated text) the General Assembly of the Slovenian Association for Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services passed at the meeting on 28 August 2016 and at the extraordinary meeting on 23 July 2018 the following
Statute of Slovenian Association for Electronic Identification
and Electronic Trust Services
Article 1
(Introductory Provisions)
(1) The Slovenian Association for Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services (hereinafter: the Association) is a voluntary and non-profit association of individuals and legal persons, who joined forces to stimulate usage of electronic identities, electronic identification means and electronic trust services (e.g. creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures, electronic seals or electronic time stamps, electronic registered delivery services and certificates regarding those services, creation, verification and validation of certificates for websites authentication, repository of electronic signatures, seals and certificates, in connection to those services, e-elections or e-voting), implementation of with it connected security measures and procedures and awareness of individuals and subjects of public and private sector on the meaning, advantages and ways of transition to default digital business operations.
(2) Terms used in the Statute, written in the masculine grammatical gender, shall be used as neutral and applied equally for both sexes.
Article 2
(Association’s Name, Registered Office, Status and Logo)
(1) The Association’s name shall be: Slovenian Association for Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services.
(2) The abbreviated name of the Association shall be: Association EIDES.
(3) In collaboration with foreign and international organizations, the Association shall also use the name:
Slovenian Association for Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services.
(4) The registered office and Association’s address shall be: Ulica bratov Učakar 8, 1000 Ljubljana.
(5) The Association shall be a legal person, governed by private law, which operates on the territory of Republic of Slovenia. When necessary, it shall also liaise and cooperate with related Slovenian, foreign or international associations, societies or organizations.
(6) The Association shall be represented by its President.
(7) The Association shall be in legal transactions autonomously and without limitations represented by its President and the member of the Executive Committee responsible for the Association’s material and financial operations, who is appointed by the members of the Association’s Executive Committee at its first session.
(8) The Association shall operate without a seal.
(9) The logo and graphical image of the Association shall be determined by regulations adopted by the Executive Committee.
Article 3
The Association shall be established with the purpose of:
- networking and partnership of individuals from the information technology and other disciplines, who are developing and putting into practice an overall system approach to using electronic identities, electronic identification means, electronic trust services and default digital business operations,
- collaboration with domestic, foreign and international organizations active in the field of developing and implementing solutions or electronic identity systems, electronic identification means, electronic trust services and digital transformation of private and public sector entities’ operations.
- exchange of domestic and foreign good practices among members of the Association, from the fields of the Association’s operations,
- encouraging comprehensive digital overhaul of private and public sector business operations,
- professional response to the problems of digital transformation of Slovenian society,
- informing the general public and experts and public exposure, locally and worldwide, of the Association’s or its members’ achievements,
- active presentation of own opinions and viewpoints to experts and the general public on all levels of the Association’s operations.
Article 4
The objective of the Association shall be to contribute to the comprehensive development of Slovenian society based on digital technologies usage, while maximising usage of solutions and electronic identity systems, electronic identification means and electronic trust services on all levels of social life.
Article 5
(Activities and Tasks)
(1) The main activity of the Association shall be expansion of the use of electronic identities, electronic identification means, electronic trust services and transition to default digital business operations in the public and private sectors.
(2) The Association shall carry out also the following non-profit activities:
- Raising the awareness of the general public and experts and informing them regarding areas of activity covered by the Association,
- public debate on achievements regarding the Association’s operations at home and abroad,
- organizing knowledge and expertise sharing among members of the Association,
- informing members of the Association on innovations in the field of development and usage of information and communication technologies at home and abroad, regarding areas of activity covered by the Association,
- organizing consultations, educational activities, training, workshops, study trips, public tribunals and other educational-organizational activities from the areas of activity covered by the Association,
- encouraging education, training and research from the areas of activity covered by the Association,
- actively contributing to the legal and sub-legal regularisation of areas of activity covered by the Association, on the national, inter-state and international level,
- actively contributing to the development of standards, guidelines and recommendations for implementing solutions and systems from the areas of activity covered by the Association.
(3) The Association carries out the following profit secondary activities to support its operations:
47.910 Retail sales via mail order houses or via the Internet
58.110 Book publishing
58.140 Publishing of journals and periodicals
58.190 Other publishing activities
71.129 Other engineering activities and technical consultancy
71.200 Technical testing and analysis
72.190 Other research and experimental development in natural sciences and engineering
72.200 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
73.110 Advertising agencies (advertising materials’ distribution, media representation)
73.120 Media representation
73.200 Market research and public opinion polling
74.900 Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
70.220 Business and other management consultancy activities
82.300 Organization of conventions and trade shows
84.130 Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of business
85.590 Other education n.e.c.
Article 6
(Members of the Association)
(1) Members of the Association shall be individuals with the legal capacity to contract, which accept the Statute of the Association.
(2) An individual, wishing to become a member of the Association, shall fill in an accession statement and pay membership.
(3) Membership of the Association shall also be open to legal persons, approved by its responsible authority, which shall appoint its representative to the Association and pay the membership. A legal person shall have via its representative equal rights and duties as an individual member.
(4) The Accession statement shall be processed and verified by the Association’s Executive Committee.
Article 7
(Rights and Duties of Members)
(1) Rights of the members are:
- to be able to vote or be elected into the Association’s bodies,
- to actively participate in managing the Association,
- to participate in the Association’s activities,
- to receive from the Association adequate support for their work, in line with the Association’s capabilities,
- to be informed on the Association’s activities.
(2) Duties of the members are:
- to operate according to this Statute and other acts of the Association,
- to respect the decisions of the Association’s bodies,
- to regularly pay membership fees, if so agreed by the Assembly of Members,
- to cooperate in managing the Association,
- to comply with the agreed commitments towards the Association,
- to protect the Association’s reputation,
- to inform the Association on modification of its contact data,
- to operate in the Association’s interest,
- to inform the Association on their activities and matters, important for the Association’s operations.
Article 8
(Termination of Membership)
(1) Membership in the Association shall be terminated:
- by voluntary withdrawal of the member in the form of a written declaration received by the Executive Committee, by cancelling membership due to non-payment of the dues, after a prior reminder by the Executive Committee,
- by exclusion based on the decision of the honorary tribunal,
- by termination of the Association,
- by the death of the member.
(2) Membership of a legal person shall be terminated, besides the reasons stated in the previous paragraph, also by winding up of a legal person’s business operations, which is determined by the Executive Committee on the basis of adequate notification.
Article 9
(Bodies of the Association)
(1) Bodies of the Association shall be:
- The General Assembly,
- The President,
- The Executive Committee,
- The Supervisory Committee,
- The Disciplinary Board.
(2) The term of office of the elected body members shall be 4 (four) years, with the possibility of re-election.
Article 10
(Meetings of Bodies)
(1) Meetings of the Association’s bodies shall be convened and chaired by the body’s President, in his absence by the body’s member based on the President’s authorisation.
(2) Bodies of the Association, except the General Assembly, can in urgent cases decide via meeting by correspondence, convened by the President of the body and executed via e-mail. To convene and execute a meeting by correspondence, rules determined for the execution of Association’s regular session can reasonably be used.
(3) Sessions and decisions of the Association’s bodies are minuted. Minutes are agreed on at the following session and handed for safekeeping to the Secretary for organizational and administrative matters.
Article 11
(Elections of Bodies)
(1) At the General Assembly shall be elected:
- The President,
- Members of the Executive Committee,
- Members of the Supervisory Committee,
- Members of the Disciplinary Board.
(2) A call for elections shall be adopted by the Executive Committee at least 30 (thirty) days prior to expiry of the elected organs’ mandate. A call for elections with stated conditions for candidature shall be published on website and via e-notification to all members of the Association.
(3) The Executive Committee shall appoint a three-member Candidate Committee and two alternate members. If a member of the Candidate Committee applies for the Association’s organs, it shall be replaced by an alternate member. The Candidate Committee shall establish compliance with the required conditions and introduce candidates to the General Assembly.
(4) The Candidate Committee shall publish on the Association’s website a list of candidates meeting the required criteria.
Article 12
(Dismissal of a Body Member)
(1) If a member of the body can no longer perform its functions, due to whatever reason, it is his duty to resign and notify the President of the body to which he was elected or appointed. If he fails to do this, it is a duty of a body’s President to, as soon as one of the conditions from the second paragraph of this article is satisfied, propose his dismissal, which shall be addressed by the Association’s General Assembly at the first next meeting. Dismissal of the body’s President shall be proposed by the majority of body members.
(2) A member of the body shall be discharged prior to the expiry of his term of office, due to the following reasons:
- if he neglects his duties, thereby causing or possibly causing serious disturbance in the Association’s operations,
- if he for a longer period of time does not attend the meetings (absent on at least 3 consecutive meetings) or attends them irregularly (absent on at least half of the meetings in the current year),
- if he, in carrying out his work, does not comply with the acts of the Association or if he acts contrary to the principles and interests of the Association.
(3) In case of resignation or dismissal of a member of an elected body, he shall be, for the duration of his mandate, replaced by the member who received the second highest number of votes at the elections.
(4) Regardless of the provision from the previous paragraph, early elections shall be conducted in case of discharge of the Association’s President. The Association’s General Assembly, at which early elections are performed, shall be convened by the Association’s President at the proposal of the Executive Committee, within 30 (thirty) days.
Article 13
(General Assembly)
(1) The General Assembly is the highest body of the Association, comprised of all the members of the Association. The General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary.
(2) Ordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee once a year.
(3) The General Assembly shall be convened via written invitations in electronic form, received by the members 14 (fourteen) days prior to the meeting. In the invitation shall be indicated date, time and place of the General Assembly, together with the proposed agenda. Together with the invitation necessary material for deciding is also sent.
(4) The announcement of an ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly session shall be, together with the agenda and call for possible elections, published on the Association’s website.
(5) An extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee on its own initiative or on initiative of at least a fifth of the Association’s members. Initiators for the General Assembly meeting must submit the initiative in writing and explain reasons for calling the meeting.
(6) The Executive Committee must call the extraordinary General Assembly within 30 (thirty) days from receiving request for the meeting. If the Executive Committee does not call the extraordinary General Assembly within the prescribed time limit, an extraordinary General Assembly shall be called by the proposer, who must also submit the agenda with the appropriate material. The extraordinary General Assembly may decide only on the matter for which it was convened.
Article 14
(Quorum of the General Assembly)
(1) A quorum shall exist at the General Assembly if the majority of the Association’s members are present upon the scheduled time of the meeting. If upon the scheduled time of the General Assembly the quorum does not exist, the start of the session is postponed for 15 (fifteen minutes). But if it continues working, no binding decisions may be made for 30 (thirty) minutes. At the end of this period a quorum exists if at least ten members are present.
(2) The General Assembly shall take its decisions by the majority vote of the present members.
Article 15
(Competences of the General Assembly)
The General Assembly:
- shall adopt the Statute of the Association and its changes and additions,
- shall adopt the annual business and financial report and final accounts for the previous year,
- shall adopt the work programme of the Association for the current year,
- shall elect and discharge the President, members of the Executive Committee, Supervisory Committee and Disciplinary Board,
- shall deal with the reports of the Association’s bodies and decide on them,
- shall decide on appeals against the decisions of the Association’s bodies, if the Statute of the Association does not provide that another Association’s body shall decide on appeals,
- shall decide on termination of the Association.
Article 16
(Publicness of the General Assembly)
The work of the General Assembly shall be public. Some particular agenda item can be exceptionally examined without the presence of the public, if such decision is made by the majority of the present members of the General Assembly.
Article 17
(Conducting the General Assembly)
(1) At the proposal of the Executive Committee, the General Assembly appoints an operating chairmanship, comprised of the President and two members, who shall govern and ensure legality of the General Assembly meeting.
(2) The President shall lead the discussion and decision-making and shall start up the discussion after announcing each agenda item of the General Assembly. He may discontinue the discussion if discipline is not ensured, or he can forbid the speaker to speak, if his discussion deviates from the content of the agenda.
Article 18
(Decision-making of the General Assembly)
(1) The vote at the beginning of the General Assembly meeting shall be public. Prior to vote, the President must propose a decision in such a way that an affirmative or negative vote can be cast. The President shall announce its result after each vote.
(2) The General Assembly shall by a majority of votes decide that a vote on individual proposals will be by a secret ballot.
Article 19
(Elections of Body Members)
(1) At the proposal of the Executive Committee, the General Assembly appoints an Electoral Commission, comprised of a President and two members, who shall circulate to the members of the General Assembly electoral lists for election into individual organs. The candidate cannot be a member of the Electoral Commission.
(2) Candidates for the President of the Association must present a work programme for the following mandate at the General Assembly. An individual presentation cannot be longer than 10 (ten) minutes.
(3) At the vote a candidate will be elected, who receives the majority of the votes of the General Assembly members present at the vote. If more candidates receive an equal number of votes, voting for those candidates shall be repeated. If more candidates also receive the same number of votes in the second round, voting shall be repeated until the new President is elected.
(4) If voting is by a secret ballot, it shall be conducted in such a way that the number in front of the candidate is encircled. The ballot is valid if the will of the voter can be identified. After the completion of the voting, the electoral commission shall count the ballots. The President of the Electoral Commission shall announce the result of the voting.
Article 20
(President of the Association)
(1) The Association shall be represented by its President. He shall be in charge of the development, efficient and transparent functioning, as well for the visibility and reputation of the Association in the public.
(2) The President of the Association shall:
- be responsible for managing the work of the Executive Committee,
- annually report to the General Assembly:
- prepare the draft of the annual report, propose action plan and financial plan of the Association for the current year,
- respond to problems within the Association and in society,
- obtain sponsors in pursuit of the Association’s objectives,
- communicate with the public on professional solutions for problems of an economic nature, in the public sector and in society,
- direct the actions of the Association’s governing bodies,
- propose appointment of Secretaries,
- propose the level of gratuities, fees and other emoluments,
- conclude contracts,
- sign invoices,
- represent the Association in public, before national and other authorities and organizations in Slovenia and abroad.
(3) The President shall be accountable to the members of the Association for his activities.
(4) The President shall be in his absence represented by the member of the Executive Committee, empowered by the President.
Article 21
(The Composition of the Executive Committee)
(1) The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President of the Association and four members.
(2) The Executive Committee shall be headed by the President of the Association.
Article 22
(Competences of the Executive Committee)
The Executive Committee shall:
- call the General Assembly,
- implement the decisions of the General Assembly,
- address changes and additions to the Statute and transmit them to the General Assembly for acceptance,
- adopt regulations which detail the functioning of the Association,
- approve the proposal of the annual report of the President of the Association and transmits the proposal with its potential observations and suggestions to the General Assembly for acceptance,
- approve the proposal of action and financial plan of the Association for the current year,
- specify the amount of the annual membership,
- at the proposal of the Association’s President it shall appoint:
– the Secretary,
– members of the organizational and programme committee for the consultation and other forms of training,
- at the proposal of the President it shall confirm acceptance and termination of the membership in the Association,
- give prior consent to contracts exceeding the threshold for low-value contracts,
- decide on awarding prizes for work excellence carried out in the current year,
- create and terminate sections and working groups of the Association,
- monitor material and financial operations of the Association and act in case of derogations from the planned situation,
- determine on liaising of the Association with its domestic and foreign counterpart organizations,
- perform other tasks deriving from the acts of the Association.
Article 23
(Decision-making of the Executive Committee)
(1) The Executive Committee shall validly conclude if the President and at least two members are present. The decisions shall be made by the majority of the votes of those present.
(2) The Executive Committee shall operate at the meetings, convened by the President of the Association or, in his absence, by the member of the Executive Committee, empowered by the President.
(3) At the meetings of the Executive Committee, which shall occur at least four times a year, both Secretaries of the Association shall also be present, but without the right to vote.
Article 24
(The Secretaries)
(1) The Association shall have a Secretary responsible for organizational and administrative matters and a Secretary responsible for notifying the members of the Association and for public relations, regarding the activities of the Association.
(2) The Secretaries shall carry out their duties according to the instructions of the President of the Association or according to the decisions of the Executive Committee. They shall be appointed by the Executive Committee on the President’s proposal. The Secretaries are appointed for a 4-year (four) period.
Article 25
(The Sections)
(1) For the purpose of attaining the objectives and for carrying out the activities of the Association, sections of the Association shall be formed. Sections are a modus operandi of the Association, organized according to the interest of its members.
(2) The Executive Committee shall decide on the formation of the section on the basis of a reasoned initiative of the President, member of the Executive Committee or at least 10 (ten) members of the Association, who are active in the field of the section’s operations.
(3) The President of the section shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at the proposition of the President of the Association. The President of the section shall report to the Executive Committee at least once a year on the section’s operations. The President of the Association shall appoint a member of the Executive Committee, who shall be responsible for the development of the sections and who shall coordinate the work of the Executive Committee, related to the functioning of the sections.
(4) The modus operandi shall be proposed by the members of the section themselves. The President of the section submits to the Executive Committee work programme of the section for the current mandate for approval and reports on the functioning of the section.
Article 26
(Functioning of the Section)
(1) Sections shall not be legal persons. In legal and financial transactions, they shall be represented by the President of the Association. In written sources or orally they shall be featured as part of the Association.
(2) Sections shall submit to the Executive Committee of the Association for debate and adoption documents and analyses of major professional or social importance for the field of the Association’s operations.
(3) The President of the section shall no later than in January submit to the Executive Committee the annual activity report of the section or working group for the previous year.
(4) The section shall, upon its termination, submit all the documentation and archive to the Secretary for organizational and administrative matters.
Article 27
(Working Groups)
(1) At the proposal of the President, member of the Executive Committee or at least 3 (three) members of the Association, the Executive Committee can form a working group for carrying out a particular task. The head and members of a working group shall be, at the proposal of the President, appointed by the Executive Committee, who determines the content of the task and time limit for carrying it out.
(2) The head of the working group shall report to the Executive Committee on carrying out the task.
(3) Upon its termination the working group submits all the documentation and archive to the Secretary for organizational and administrative matters.
Article 28
(Supervisory Committee)
(1) The Supervisory Committee shall be comprised of 3 (three) members, elected by the General Assembly. They shall elect the President among themselves. The Supervisory Committee shall monitor the work of the Executive Committee and other organs of the Association, as well as exercise control over the financial-material performance of the Association.
(2) The Supervisory Committee shall, as a general rule, meet twice a year and annually report to the General Assembly, to which it is accountable for its work.
(3) The Supervisory Committee shall take its decisions by a majority of its members. Members of the Supervisory Committee cannot be simultaneously members of other organs of the Association.
Article 29
(Status and Composition)
(1) The Disciplinary Board shall be an independent and autonomous body of the Association, which shall, at the request of the President or other organ of the Association, or at the proposal of the member of the Association or other person, decide on violations of the members of the Association, set out in Article 32 of this Statute.
(2) The Disciplinary Board shall be comprised of 3 (three) members, elected at the General Assembly. Members of the Disciplinary Board shall elect the President among themselves.
(3) The Disciplinary Board shall report on its work to the General Assembly.
Article 30
Violations addressed by the Disciplinary Board shall be:
- failure to comply with the Statute and other acts of the Association,
- failure to comply with the decisions or other rulings of the Association’s organs,
- misuse of powers entrusted to the member, while working in the organs of the Association,
- issuing slanderous or false statements in public or in the media, which undermine or may undermine the good name or reputation of the Association,
- negligent management or mismanagement of financial resources or funds of the Association,
- causing material and non-material damage to the Association,
- causing conduct which harms or may harm the interests, reputation and good name of the Association.
Article 31
(Measures of the Disciplinary Board)
(1) The Disciplinary Board may impose one of the following measures:
- notice,
- notice prior to exclusion,
- exclusion from the Association.
(2) Provisions of the General Administrative Procedures Act shall mutatis mutandis apply for conducting the procedure. The General Assembly shall consider an appeal against the measure issued by the Disciplinary Board.
Article 32
(Material Resources)
The Association shall be financed by the:
- annual membership, determined by the Executive Committee,
- donations and legacies (remittances of income tax for the benefit of the Association),
- contributions made by donors and sponsors,
- income from carrying out gainful activities,
- possible other legal sources.
Article 33
(Asset Management)
(1) The President shall manage the assets of the Association and decide on using those assets based on the adopted annual action and financial plan of the Association, taking into account other provisions of the Statute, concerning asset management.
(2) Authorising officers are independently representatives of the Association from the 7th paragraph of Article 2 of this Statute.
(3) Financial operations of the Association could be entrusted to an accounting service, confirmed by the Executive Committee following a proposal from the President.
(4) Material and financial operations of the Association shall be public, each member shall be entitled to examine the financial documentation.
(5) The Association shall have its current account. Financial and material documents shall independently be signed by the representatives of the Association from the 7th paragraph of Article 2 of this Statute.
(6) Financial and material operations shall be specified in the specific regulations adopted by the Executive Committee.
Article 34
(Management and Control of Funds)
(1) The Executive Committee shall perform a half-yearly control over management of funds. Each member of the Association may request to obtain insight into management of funds.
(2) The General Assembly shall examine the report at least once a year.
Article 35
(1) In accordance with the financial resources, the President of the Association shall propose the following rewards:
- for the President and members of the Executive Committee, especially to cover their material costs,
- for the work on the main operations of the Association, such as organizing consultations and acquiring sponsors, editing the e-newsletter and implementing training, especially to cover their material costs.
(2) In case of a larger scope of work, the President of the Association shall, upon prior agreement of the Executive Committee, conclude a yearly contract of work with an individual. The contract must contain the tasks, their scope and expected quality of the executed contract activities.
(3) The rewards shall be decided by the Executive Committee, which shall adopt reward criteria at the beginning of the year.
(4) The reward for the President’s performance shall be, at the end of the year, processed and decided upon by the Executive Committee.
Article 36
(Publicness of Operations)
(1) Work of the Association and its organs is public.
(2) The President of the Association shall ensure publicness for the work of the Association. He shall be assisted in this by the Secretary responsible for notifying the members of the Association and for public relations.
(3) Publicness for the work of the Association is ensured by:
- information available through the Association’s website and by using other tools of information on the World Wide Web,
- communicating information about its work to the representatives of the media, and
- organizing press conferences for the media.
(4) All meetings of the Association’s organs shall be public, unless the public is excluded by adopting such a decision due to ensuring the protection of a business secret, personal dignity or integrity of an individual member of the Association.
(5) Regarding ensuring publicness of operations, the Association shall abide by the regulations in force.
(6) The members of the Association’s organs shall be responsible for public statements, related to the operations of the Association, so they shall consider the interest of the Association, the interest of the membership and the provisions of the Statute, related to the dissemination of information to the public.
Article 37
(Record of Members)
(1) The Association shall, for the needs of exercising the aims, objectives and tasks of the Association, keep the record of the Association’s members (the Record).
(2) The Record shall contain the data contained in the form Accession Statement, published on the Association’s website, besides it also the data on payment of the annual membership fee and data on functions of the member in the Association, and other data of the member related to the Association’s operations, which shall be included in the Record on the basis of the member’s consent.
(3) Data on individual member is kept in the Record during active membership and is deleted upon termination of a membership.
(4) The Record shall be kept at the Association’s registered office. Parts of the Record, containing members organized into committees can be kept at the headquarters of individual committees. The custodian of the record shall be the Secretary for organizational and administrative matters.
Article 38
(Database of the Documentation)
(1) The Association shall handle the database of the documentation containing:
- the Statute and other acts of a general nature;
- documentation on operations of organs and other permanent and temporary working bodies of the Association;
- incoming and outgoing mail;
- record of members of the Association; and
- documentation on financial and material operations of the Association.
(2) The Association shall keep the documents, classified according to the spheres of activity (acts of the Association, annual programmes and reports, individual activities and projects of the Association, accession statements and other documents about the members, financial and material operations and similar documents) and document retention periods, either in writing or electronically. The Statute, other general acts and documentation on business operations of the organs, permanent and temporary working bodies of the Association are kept permanently, while other documentation is kept until achievement of the purpose for which it exists has occurred or until the end of the period determined by the law and other regulations.
(3) The database of the documentation shall be kept at the registered office of the Association. The custodian of the database shall be the Secretary responsible for notifying the members of the Association and for public relations.
(4) The method of storage and safekeeping of the documentation database shall be determined by the act of the Association governing safekeeping of personal and confidential data, managed by the Association.
Article 39
(Termination of the Association)
(1) The Association shall terminate from the consensus of its members, by absorption by other associations, due to bankruptcy, pursuant to a judgement regarding ban of operations or by operation of law.
(2) If the Association shall cease to exist, its assets shall be, after the satisfaction of liabilities, transferred to the association, institution, establishment or other non-profit-making legal person with similar goals, determined by the General Assembly in the winding-up decision of the Association.
Article 40
(Final provision)
This Statute was adopted at the General Assembly of the Association on 23 July 2018, and shall enter into force as soon as the relevant administrative authority establishes its compliance with the law.
Ljubljana, 23 July 2018
Marjan Antončič
President of the Association