Ivo Vasev

Mikrocop d.o.o.

Ivo Vasev is the Product Owner of Mikrocop’s InDoc EDGE information management platform. Through his endeavors at the intersection of different business areas and IT, he searches for answers to the challenges of digital transformation, focusing extensively on the customer experience and new ways to help companies realize their digital potential.


Anton Gazvoda

Mikrocop d.o.o.

Anton Gazvoda is a Business Digitalization Expert. He has been actively involved in developing complex data management solutions since 2000 and has acquired extensive experience in document and process management. At Mikrocop, he helps companies from different industries improve their efficiency by implementing optimized workflow solutions.


Muhamed Turkanović Phd

Blockchain Lab:UM, FERI-UM

Muhamed Turkanović received his PhD in the field of Computer Science and Informatics in 2016. He has more than 10 years of industry experience on an international base as a developer, technical development manager, technical director and owner of IT companies, etc.  In 2017, he started to work full time at the University of Maribor as an Assistant Professor, where he teaches subjects related to data technology and data protection. In addition to this, he is also an external lecturer at the University of Zagreb. In 2017 he established the Blockchain Lab:UM within the Institute of informatics, where he is also the Head od R&D.

Since 2019 he is the Head of Operations at the Digital Innovation Hub at the University of Maribor and since 2020 the coordinator of the consortium DIGI-SI, which is also the Slovene candidate for the EDIH. He is also the Deputy Head of the Institute of Informatics, as well as the coordinator of the University Study Programme Informatics and Data Technologies. Furthermore, he is the president of the Blockchain Technical Committee at Slovenian Institute for Standardization, member of the Strategic Digitization Council for the Government of Slovenia, the University of Maribor’s coordinator for the H2020 project Digital Europe for All, DIH-World, Adma Trans, as well as for the Interreg Alpine Space project SmartVillages, etc.


Mojca Prelesnik

Information Commissioner, Slovenia

Mojca Prelesnik – Bachelor of Laws with
State Bar Exam.
Lecturer and author of expert papers and co-author of books in the field of access to public information, protection of privacy and personal data.

The protection of personal data became her field of work in 2006 when the office of the Commissioner

for Access to Public Information was redefined as Information Commissioner, acquiring the
competences of the hitherto Inspectorate for the Protection of Personal Data at the Ministry of Justice.

Upon the proposal of the President of the Republic Borut Pahor, on July 4 2014 the National Assembly
elected Mrs. Prelesnik to a five-year term as Information Commissioner. She began her term of office on July 17 2014.






Attila Paksi

Veracomp d.o.o.

Attila Paksi – Regional Sales Manager, Access Management, SEE & Hungary 

He has been working in business development of front- and backend IT solutions for more than 15 years. 5 years directly with IT security and currently with a focus on authentication and access management. 

We support many private and government entities: Certification agencies, Ministries, Financial institutions, Healthcare and Energy companies and many more in the region with a comprehensive portfolio of enterprise authentication solutions. 

Attila is the father of 2 girls, a Rotary member and an avid road cyclist.


Marjan Antončič

Ainigma d.o.o.

Marjan Antončič je prokurist in svetovalec za področje elektronskega poslovanja in informacijske varnosti v podjetjih Ainigma d.o.o. in OSI d.o.o ter predsednik Slovenskega združenja za elektronsko identifikacijo in elektronske storitve zaupanja. Pred vstopom na podjetniško pot je delal na področju informatike in telekomunikacij v Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve.

Sodeloval je pri pripravljanju ter implementiranju zakonov in drugih predpisov s področja varstva osebnih in tajnih podatkov, elektronskega poslovanja, elektronskih komunikacij ter upravljanja in dolgoročnega ohranjanja gradiv v digitalni obliki. Zadnjih deset let državnim organom in velikim poslovnim sistemom v Sloveniji in v državah na območju zahodnega Balkana svetuje na področju digitalne transformacije njihovega poslovanja, elektronske identifikacije in storitev zaupanja, dolgoročnega ohranjanja gradiv v digitalni obliki ter informacijske varnosti.




Robert Romšek – graduated from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and he achieved the title Master of Science in 2006. Since 2001 he works at the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS), where he lately participated in the establishment of the portal for the providers of medical services. Since summer 2021 he is the operations manager of the ZZZS.







Ministrstvo za javno upravo

Alenka Zuzek Nemec PhD obtained her MSc in Computer Science and her PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her first post was at the research institute “Jožef Stefan”. Since 2004 she has been with the Government of Slovenia within the Ministry of Public Administration. She is responsible for the coordination of numerous international and national activities and projects in the field of e-identities, trust services and e-government.



Ministrstvo za javno upravo

Aleš Pelan studied at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he graduated in 1996. He continued with postgraduate study at the same faculty and achieved the title Master of Science in 2006. In 1997 he joined the Governmental Center for Informatics as a technical advisor for governmental network services.

Currently he is employed at the Ministry of Public Administration as a head of the department which operates national Certification Authorities issuing qualified certificates, certificates for travel documents with biometric data and other trust services (Time Stamping Authority, OCSP responder etc.). He has been envolved in several international and EU projects on trusted IT systems such as STORK, SPOCS, eSENS, TOOP, SEMPER and DE4A. He is acting as a national representative in several EU working groups dealing with e-identities and trust services.



Rekono d.o.o.

Miha Poberaj is a co-founder, CEO and the driving force of Rekono d.o.o. As an expert in the field of information technology, he predominantly focuses on providing advice regarding establishing infrastructure as well as on planning and execution of solutions for various sectors.






Rekono d.o.o.

 ​Rudi Ponikvar je zaposlen kot arhitekt rešitev s področja informacijske tehnologije. Ima več kot 20 let delovnih izkušenj s področja varnosti elektronskega poslovanja, distribuiranih računalniških sistemov, računalniških komunikacij, upravljanja in nadzora računalniških omrežij ter sistemov. Zadnja leta deluje predvsem na področju uporabe infrastrukture javnih ključev ter elektronske identifikacije za zagotavljanje varnosti elektronskega poslovanja, kar obsega vzpostavitev same infrastrukture ter načrtovanje in izvedbo rešitev.



OSI d.o.o.

Marko Šmid ima večletne izkušnje z zagotavljanjem varnosti na področju informacijske tehnologije, z vzpostavitvijo in upravljanjem varnostnih gradnikov, zaščito aplikacij in podatkov ter revizijo varnosti IT sistemov. V podjetjih OSI in Rekono skupaj z ekipo upravlja razvoj lastnih produktov ter načrtovanje in vpeljavo celovitih infrastrukturnih rešitev na področju elektronskih identitet, avtentikacije, elektronskega podpisa in zagotavljanja varnosti aplikativnih rešitev. Ključne usmeritve so mu: novi izzivi na področju IT tehnologije, kakovostno opravljeno delo in zadovoljstvo naročnikov.



The Institute for Private-Public Partnership 

Petra Ferk, Ph.D. is the Director of the Development Projects at the Institute for Public-Private Partnership Slovenia, as well as one of its founders. Petra Ferk is also Associate Professor for public administration at New University Ljubljana and also a Founder of the company S-Procurement Ltd, who localised to Slovenia one of the top 3 global procurement platforms (according to Gartner), powered by Vortal. 

As Director of the Development Projects at the Institute for Public-Private Partnership Slovenia, Petra is involved in different projects, dealing with (public) procurement, contract law – including IT sector, public-private partnerships. In last period Petra’s research and field of expertise is focusing on public procurement and PPP projects related to energy efficiency and eMobility, issues relates to information security, digital-by-default approach, digital end-to-end procurement process and assuring integrity of the data (time-stamping, encryption, electronic signature, eIDAS Regulation … ).




Dr. Jelena Burnik vodi področje mednarodnega sodelovanja in nadzora pri Informacijskem pooblaščencu. Ukvarja se s problematiko čezmejnega nadzora, varstva osebnih podatkov pri sodobnih informacijsko komunikacijskih storitvah in digitalnem marketingu, prenosu podatkov v tretje države, certificiranjem in aktivnostmi dvigovanja zavedanja o varstvu osebnih podatkov. Koordinira sodelovanje IP v Evropskem odboru za varstvo podatkov.


Zdenka Semlič Rajh

Historical Archives Ljubljana

Zdenka SEMLIČ RAJH, arhivska svétnica, je diplomirala iz zgodovine na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Na isti univerzi je pridobila najprej znanstveni naziv magistrice bibliotekarskih znanosti, nato pa v je letu 2016 še doktorirala. V letu 2010 je bila imenovana v najvišji strokovni naziv Arhivska svétnica.  Od septembra 2020 kot direktorica vodi Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana. Kot raziskovalka na področju arhivistike in upravljanja z dokumentarnim gradivom sodeluje v nacionalnih in mednarodnih raziskovalnih projektih, povezanih z arhivskimi strokovnimi standardi, problematiko popisovanja arhivskega gradiva, organizacijo informacij, zlasti pa se posveča problematiki izdelave deskriptorjev, klasifikacij in tezavrov pri vsebinah arhivske vrednosti ter z vprašanjem dostopa do informacij v arhivskih informacijskih sistemih. Je vodja medarhivske delovne skupine za slovensko arhivsko izrazoslovje ter članica komisije za strokovne izpite na področju varstva arhivskega gradiva. 



SETCCE d.o.o.

Marko Kebe iz podjetja SETCCE se kot specializiran svetovalec v prodaji srečuje z uvajanjem e-podpisnih tehnologij v najzahtevnejših industrijah doma in v tujini. Slednje zahteva celovito poznavanje kompleksnih poslovnih procesov ter zakonskih predpisov na področju storitev zaupanja. V sklopu sodelovanja s priznanimi podjetji, kot so NKBM, Generali ter BMW, je pridobil bogate izkušnje na področju analize poslovnih potreb naročnikov in trendov, vezanih na digitalni on-boarding kupcev.



Nova KBM d.d.

Alen Šibanc je vodja oddelka upravljanja sprememb za prebivalstvo, podjetništvo in digitalizacijo v Novi KBM d.d. in ima več kot 20 let izkušenj v finančnem sektorju z upravljanjem informacijske tehnologije, projektov in portfelja projektov. Za njim je uspešno zaključenih več kot 30 različnih kompleksnih projektov. Posebno pozornost namenja optimizaciji, digitalizaciji in naprednejši uporabi najnovejših tehnologij.




Alen Šibanc je vodja oddelka upravljanja sprememb za prebivalstvo, podjetništvo in digitalizacijo v Novi KBM d.d. in ima več kot 20 let izkušenj v finančnem sektorju z upravljanjem informacijske tehnologije, projektov in portfelja projektov. Za njim je uspešno zaključenih več kot 30 različnih kompleksnih projektov. Posebno pozornost namenja optimizaciji, digitalizaciji in naprednejši uporabi najnovejših tehnologij.